Little Blossom Stories

The Little Blossom Stories series uses curriculum based fiction to get children comfortable with reading. Each book in this series uses a combination of sight words and short-vowel words in repetition to build recognition and confidence. Original illustrations help guide readers through the text. Text and format is created by Cecilia Minden, PhD, a literacy consultant and former director of the Language and Literacy program at Harvard Graduate School of Education.


187 titles found. Displaying 1 - 20.

Title   ATOS
A Bird in a Box
A Cat in a Crate
Grace at the Race Soon!
Adell's Dance Class New!
A Dog in a Bed
A Fish in a Bag
A Gift for Gram
A Hiking Adventure New!
Aiden Paints a Chair
Ann Hits the Ball
A Pill for Mugs New!
A Trip for Gram and Gramps
Aunt Dawn Visits
Bandit and the Car Chase
Benji Mouse Would Like a House
Bert and the Birds
Bert and the Storm
Bert at the Farm
Bert Gets Hurt
Beth's Basketball Game