Little Blossom Stories

The Little Blossom Stories series uses curriculum based fiction to get children comfortable with reading. Each book in this series uses a combination of sight words and short-vowel words in repetition to build recognition and confidence. Original illustrations help guide readers through the text. Text and format is created by Cecilia Minden, PhD, a literacy consultant and former director of the Language and Literacy program at Harvard Graduate School of Education.


187 titles found. Displaying 21 - 40.

Title   ATOS
Billy's Weekend Problem New!
Birdwatching with Pops
Blue and the Glue
Bob and Tom Get a Dog
Bob and Tom Spot a Fox
Bob and Tom with Mom
Bud Gets a Cut
Bud the Pup
Buzz Plays Soccer
Carter Does Yardwork
Charlotte Plays Cards
Chewy and Luke
Claire Braids May's Tail
Colton Strolls on the Knoll
Dad Bakes a Ham
Dad Helps Plum's Pug
Dan and Sam Play Tag
Dean Rakes Leaves
Don and Pat Play Ball New!
Douglas Has a Cough